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Department / Region

Department or region data helps in regional segmentation and understanding local market dynamics.

Customize your strategies and offerings based on regional data to better align with local market conditions and preferences.

Job Title

Job titles provide insights into the roles and responsibilities of individuals within a company.

Tailor your approach based on job titles to ensure your message aligns with the responsibilities and needs of the recipients.

Activity Description

Detailed activity descriptions provide a comprehensive understanding of what a business does.

Use activity descriptions to create highly relevant and specific marketing messages that address the precise needs of your clients.

GPS Position

GPS positions provide precise location data, useful for logistics, mapping, and location-based services.

Use GPS data for optimizing delivery routes, planning location-based marketing, and improving service delivery accuracy.


Country information is essential for understanding the geographical context and regulatory environment of a business.

Segment your market by country to create region-specific marketing strategies and ensure compliance with local regulations.

Establishment Type

The type of establishment (e.g., retail, office, factory) affects the business operations and needs.

Use establishment type data to tailor your products and services to suit the specific operational requirements of different business types.

Employee / Freelance

Knowing whether individuals are employees or freelancers helps in understanding their work arrangements and stability.

Customize your offerings and communication strategies based on whether your contacts are employees or freelancers to better meet their needs.


Titles indicate the social and professional standing of individuals, useful for respectful and appropriate communication.

Address individuals by their proper titles in all communications to convey respect and professionalism.

Professional ID

Professional IDs authenticate the credentials of individuals, particularly in regulated professions.

Use professional IDs to verify the qualifications and legitimacy of professionals you are engaging with, enhancing trust.

School / University

Educational background information can provide insights into the skills and expertise of individuals within a company.

Highlight relevant educational achievements in your communications to build rapport and demonstrate understanding of their expertise.


Registration details verify the official status and legitimacy of a business entity.

Include registration information in legal documents and contracts to ensure all business dealings are with verified entities.

VAT Number

The VAT number is crucial for conducting business transactions within the EU, ensuring tax compliance.

Use VAT numbers for invoicing and ensuring that all transactions are tax-compliant, particularly for cross-border dealings.


Understanding the functions or roles within a company helps in identifying the responsibilities and influence of individuals.

Target your communication to individuals based on their functions to ensure your message reaches the right people within the organization.

LinkedIn URL

LinkedIn URLs provide direct access to professional profiles, facilitating networking and relationship building.

Use LinkedIn URLs to connect with key individuals, follow their updates, and engage with their professional content.

IT Technology Profile

Knowing the IT technology profile of a company helps in understanding its technological capabilities and infrastructure.

Use IT profile data to offer relevant technology solutions and support services that align with the company’s existing infrastructure.

Staff Size

Staff size provides insights into the scale of a company’s operations and its capacity for growth and production.

Segment your market by company size to tailor products and services that match the operational scale of your clients.


Capital information indicates the financial resources available to a company, which can influence its purchasing power and investment capacity.

Use capital data to identify potential for investment and tailor your proposals based on the company's financial strength.

Legal Form

The legal form of a company defines its legal structure, impacting liability, taxation, and regulatory requirements.

Customize your financial and legal advice based on the company's legal form to provide relevant and compliant solutions.

Creation Date

The creation date indicates how long a company has been in business, which can be a sign of stability and experience.

Use creation date data to segment businesses by age and tailor your messaging to startups differently than established firms.

Executives / Position

Knowing the key executives and their positions helps in understanding the decision-making hierarchy within a company.

Target your communications to the right decision-makers within the organization to improve the effectiveness of your outreach efforts.


Revenue data provides insights into the financial health and scale of a business.

Use revenue information to prioritize high-value prospects and tailor your sales approach based on the company’s financial capacity.


The Siren-Siret number uniquely identifies a business in France, essential for regulatory compliance and business verification.

Utilize Siren-Siret numbers for official documentation, contracts, and verifying the legitimacy of business entities.

Website URL

The website URL is a gateway to a company’s online presence, offering detailed information about its services and products.

Include website URLs in your digital communications to direct clients and prospects to more detailed content and resources.


Email addresses are vital for digital communication and marketing campaigns.

Implement email data for sending newsletters, promotional offers, and personalized communication to maintain engagement with your audience.

Phone Numbers

Phone numbers provide a direct line of communication, essential for customer service and sales.

Use phone numbers for follow-up calls, customer support, and telemarketing to enhance direct engagement with clients.

First Name - Last Name

Personal names are essential for personalizing communications and building strong business relationships.

Use personal names to address clients and prospects directly in emails, calls, and personalized marketing materials.


Qualifications indicate the skills and certifications held by individuals within the company, which can be crucial for B2B interactions.

Highlight relevant qualifications in your marketing efforts to build credibility and trust with potential clients.

Secondary Activity

Knowing the secondary activities of a business can provide insights into additional revenue streams and business diversification.

Tailor your offerings and cross-selling strategies to address both primary and secondary business activities.

Postal Code / City

This data helps in pinpointing the exact location of a business, which is essential for geographic segmentation and targeted marketing.

Implement postal code and city data to create localized marketing strategies and improve delivery logistics.


The address provides the physical location of the business, which is crucial for logistics, local marketing, and regulatory compliance.

Use the address for sending physical mail, segmenting customers by location, and planning local marketing campaigns.

Commercial Name

The commercial name is often the name used by the company for branding and marketing purposes.

Utilize the commercial name in marketing materials and customer communications to reinforce brand identity and ensure consistency.

Type / Category

Knowing the type or category of a business helps in understanding its industry, operations, and market segment.

Segment your contact list based on business type to tailor marketing campaigns and offers that resonate with specific industries.

Company Name

The company name is the primary identifier for any business entity. It helps in recognizing the company and establishing its brand identity.

Use the company name consistently in all communications and marketing materials to build brand recognition and trust among clients and partners.

Primary Activity

Understanding a company's primary activity helps in identifying its core business operations and market focus.

Use this information to customize your sales pitch and marketing materials to align with the company's primary business interests.

Maximize Your Business Potential with Data-Driven Strategies

Segmentation and Targeting

Use information like Company Name, Type/Category, Primary Activity, and Revenue to segment your contact database. This allows you to create targeted and relevant marketing campaigns, increasing engagement and conversion rates. For example, you can send specific offers to particular segments like artisans, SMEs, or large corporations.

Personalized Campaigns

With data such as First Name - Last Name, Emails, Phone Numbers, and Addresses, personalize your marketing messages to establish a stronger connection with your clients and prospects. For example, addressing a personalized email to John Doe, a project manager at a specific company, can enhance your campaign's effectiveness.

Prospecting and Lead Gen.

Direct contact information like Siren-Siret, Phone Numbers, Emails, and LinkedIn URLs facilitates prospecting new clients and generating qualified leads. This information helps identify and reach out to key decision-makers within target companies.

CRM Enhancement

Integrate all this data into your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for more efficient management of interactions with your clients and prospects. This will allow you to track communications, schedule follow-ups, and improve client satisfaction through a more structured and informed approach.

Market Analysis

Use data such as Staff Size, Capital, Creation Date, and Revenue to analyze market trends and evaluate the performance of different segments. This helps identify growth opportunities and adapt your strategies according to market changes.

Business Process Optimization

Enrich your database with detailed information on Legal Forms, Registrations, and Activity Descriptions to better understand the structure and needs of your clients. This deeper understanding allows you to customize your offerings and services, thereby improving client satisfaction and retention.